Characterization beyond Materials

We strive to use avant-garde 3D printing technologies and lattices to overcome the traditional limitations and conditionals that have always restricted the way things could be made.

By reformulating material characterization, we empower engineers and designers to expand their conceptions of what is possible, opening their horizons to geometries and complexities never before feasible...

We have found in lattice structures the key for the next step in engineering solutions through 3D printing. Through lattice structures, we can achieve a wide array of mechanical properties from the same original material. In the same piece, we can implement areas made up of the same materials but with completely different mechanical responses to pressure, stress, or force. Not only, since lattice structures consist mainly of empty space, we can create much lighter components that use the material far more efficiently.


Explore the Possibilities

Bracket example with lattices

Material Usage Optimization

Even today, 3D printing material represents up to 60% of the cost of a 3D printed part. Lattice structures can save up to 80% of material on a given volume, maintaining dimensional accuracy and mechanical properties.

Weight Reduction

Thanks to lattice structures, we solve industry’s weight-strength ratio dilemma. Strong no longer implies heavy. Parts can be both incredibly strong and surprising light at the same time. This has wide application in industries such as electric automotive, aero-space and high-performance sports, where weight is a main issue.

Naked insole design with lattices

Material Characterization

Material mechanical characterization has traditionally depended on the material’s properties and the geometry of the design. With lattices, we add a third dimension, allowing us to highly customize and characterize the mechanical responses of a material across a design using lattice structures

Fluid Flow and Heat Dissipation

Fluid flow and heat dissipation can be solved through lattice design. This allows designs that offer both robustness and strength together with the possibility of fluid flow/heat dissipation.

Tube lattice