Low Code
Lattice Generation Tools

Integrate lattice structures into your Synera workflows

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Lattice generation can be complex and time-consuming. It often requires expert knowledge and the use of complicated software products. This is one of the reasons we founded Solo Lattices: to democratize lattice creation. This is why we partnered with Synera to develop Mocha.

We have developed a full suite of tools and components to aid your team in the generation and integration of lattice structures into your design workflow. Tightly embedded in the Synera ecosystem, take advantage of data-driven engineering design, parametrization, and optimization to make lattices a truly viable and efficient part of your process.

Our solution is based on years of expertize in the field, and aims to revolutionize the way teams think about lattices and takes advantage of their unique features. All while being easy to learn and use for all engineers.


Fully Conformal Lattices

Automatically generate lattices conforming to any closed volume. Use imported CAD geometry, meshes, or parametrically generate designs. Select multiple sub-regions and transition between different lattice topologies. Fuse with solid sections, and all with just a few simple components.

Usage of CAD Features

We want to make it easy to integrate lattices into any pre-existing design. That is why we put an emphasis on being able to reuse CAD features and traditional geometry to resolve lattice generation in a way that is intuitive and easy to reason about for all designers and engineers.

Generative Field-Driven Design

Use of tools in conjunction with Synera's powerful generative design ecosystem. Optimize lattice characteristic using stress simulations, adapt topologies using field-driven approaches and achieve the desired mechanical properties for a wide variety of materials and AM printing technologies, all inside of the same workflow.

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